Feb 10, 2012


It has been such a long time since I have had space for myself in my head. It seems that I have several other occupants inside my head all clamouring at the same time. Random personas vie for my attention.

Persona one: List-Making persona
Constantly telling me when, what and where everything happens. 
9:00 drop off kids
9:15 coffee date
11:00 Washing!!! (Been in the machine for two days already)
13:00 Groceries (Make new list in supermarket because I left list at home)
and the list goes on

Persona two: Best-wife-ever persona
Diet! (He didn't marry me looking like this)
Be a better cook (mince cannot be used three times a week)
Make sure there is leftovers (men with good wives take lunch to work)
Be less tired at bedtime (and wear something sexy)
Valentines day is coming (no movies, dining or chocolate this time)

Persona three: Professional designer persona
Quick quotes = good service
Fresh ideas = good service
Fast turnaround = good service
ABC = Attitude, Belief, Commitment

Persona four: The artist persona
Working on this one, very vague messages, all weird and airy fairy. Stuff like 'the artist rules' and 'subjective consciousness'. This one talks gibberish most of the time.

Persona five: The immigrant persona
Keep in touch, keep in touch, be strong, keep in touch, try to write letters, last until next visit.
Become an Ozzie. (Sound less like I do not have a clue)

So finally there isn't much time or space left just for me. The persona that always stand last in line. The persona that will stand in an art gallery and breathe for the first time. The persona that loves silence. The persona that once was a child. The persona that embraces the beauty of simple things. The persona at the heart of me.

Feb 8, 2012

I am here

So I haven't written in like forever, but hey the girl is busy. Suddenly I find myself in the midst of my day thinking, 'I am here'. I am here, in this place, time and moment. I am here having tea with some of my best friends. I am here and I know where here is. I am here and I am not wishing that it will be tomorrow. It is such a nice feeling having a moment where you realise - this is it, I have done what I wanted to do. Little over one year ago, I was adrift in a sea of the unknown, but today I am here and somehow I have made myself fit.